Sunday, December 23, 2007

Siesa 9 Months (last week)

We took these pictues out in our yard. It was a beautiful day and we took advantage of it and played out side all day.

Siesa learned to clap. She can even make a noise when she does. The other day she was sitting looking up at the Christmas tree and started clapping with the biggest smile. This is of her clapping when we were eating dinner so she is a little dirty.

-Siesa has 4 teeth 2 on top and 2 on bottom.
-Siesa loves to eat vegetables. She especially loves sweet potatoes, carrots and cauliflower. For the first month of giving her solid food she didn’t like any fruits, but now she likes them OK. She wants to feed her self and always seems to get very, very messy trying to eat.
-Siesa recognizes her name. She also knows the meaning of the word no.
-She still loves to suck my thumb
-She can wave.
-She still loves to take a bath. As soon as I turn on the water she leans over the tub trying to get in. The whole time she splashes very happily.
-She doesn’t like getting her diaper changed or getting dressed. I think because she has to stop playing it is very inconvenient and she gets mad.
-She has learned how to climb up stairs, unfortunately not how to get down with out falling.

1 comment:

Julie said...

What a cutie! Don't they grow too fast?