Sunday, June 15, 2008

We love daddy

For father’s day I made matching ties for Jensen and Derek that they wore to church today. Jensen was so excited to wear his tie he told Derek about it a few days ago, oh well. Jensen just loves his dad and copies everything he does. Derek has a stress fracture in his heal and is wearing a walking cast so this week Jensen has been wearing one of his rain boots because his foot has a crack in it too. He was riding his bike yesterday and was sitting on it in the middle of the drive way talking I asked what he was doing and he said he was stuck in traffic and was waiting for all the cars to move. He constantly informs me that he needs to go to work today so won’t be able to play with me. It is a good thing that Derek is a good example for our children to follow. I feel so blessed to have Derek as the head of our home.


Becky J. said...

Those ties are awesome! And how adorable is Siesa in that dress?! I love it! Happy Father's Day, Derek!

Erin said...

Okay Sidsie. To see a little idolize his daddy has got to be the sweetest thing ever!!

Ali said...

Sidsie - your kids are beautiful! Looks like you guys are doing well!