Monday, December 15, 2008

Ten days and counting

I can’t believe that Christmas will be here in 10 days. So much to do, so much to do! Here are some of the fun Christmas activities we have been doing.


Danny and Nicole Larson said...

Looks fun! No would it be. I have never chopped down a tree and decorated it, that looks like so much fun!

Adamson Family said...

I'm ready for Christmas too. Although seeing the pictures of you sliding down the stairs with the sleeping bag makes me want to be a kid again. I loved doing that. Maybe I'll show Jonas how when we are in CA for Christmas. He'd love it. I also thought it was a funny story about the cop. Around here they are so bored that they gave Travis a ticket yesterday not for speeding or something normal like that no, not here it was for not completly taking off the ice from his windowshield. He had scrapped it I promise. You've got to love living in a place with so little crime they start making things up just to have something to do!