Sunday, March 8, 2009

I have been a big slacker when to comes to blogging these days. Derek has been very busy at work the few months. My brother and his wife lived with us for a month while they found another place to live here in Atlanta. My sister and husband came a visited for a few days so me and the kids have been keeping busy. Here are some of the fun things we have been up to.

Jensen gave his first primary talk a few weeks ago. He did great! Another little boy that had the scripture had his memorized too, so the sun beams rocked the house. Here is a recording of it.

Our preschool group went to the Civil War and Railroad Museum in Kennesaw. We had a great time. What little boy wouldn’t have fun in a whole museum all about trains?

Here some fun pictures of my kids playing dress ups


Anne said...

Wow Jensen's talk was awesome! I'm so impressed and can't believe how big he's getting! Your new family pictures are adorable, too. :)

Danielle Strong said...

wow, way to go Jensen!