Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Fun

Christmas eve we acted out the nativity. Elsie was of course baby Jesus, Siesa was Mary, Derek was Joseph, Jensen was the angels and the wise men, I was the Shephard, Mr. Bear and Siesa doggy were the sheep. We had a good time finding costumes and reading the Christmas story. Siesa kept leaning over and kissing Elsie and saying “Oh cute baby Jesus.” Elsie was happy through the whole thing. The kids went to bed exceptionally well so that Christmas would come sooner.

After we acted out the nativity the kids opened up the gifts they got for each other.

Siesa gave Elsie some spoons and an outfit. Jensen gave Siesa a tutu. He was so excited about it he picked out the fabric and bright blue sequins and helped me cut it out and sew it. He was almost a little frustrated because he wanted to do everything and didn’t want me to help him. He even pushed the sewing machine pedal while I sewed. It turned out very cute and Siesa loves it. Elsie gave Jensen some more train tracks. Jensen was very excited about the tracks and with daddies help they set up a very cool train track.

Christmas Morning

Jensen reading the tag to see if the gift was for him.

Some of the biggest hits of Christmas were the tick-tacks and the candy. Siesa got Skittles and Jensen got a bag of M&Ms. That was the first thing they wanted to do was eat there candy.

Jensen showing me a brain from this science kit.
The mess- every room in our house looked like that.

Jensen’s favorite part of Christmas was of course the presents. He has been asking for a remote control helicopter but they all say for 8 and up so I told him he was too young for one. In his stocking he got a match box helicopter he was so excited and said “it is a good thing Santa didn’t give me a remote control one because I can’t have one until I am 8.” Ever since Christmas Jensen has been going from toy to toy. We gave him a CD player and some books on CD. I now have the Arthur theme song stuck in my head, he has listened to it about 30 times.

Siesa liked opening all the gifts. She helped every one open their gifts. We gave her a back pack and a little dry-erase board. She also got play pans and food, a barbee, and clothing. She got a poly pocket in her stocking which has been a big hit. Siesa has always liked little things. Surprisingly, she hasn’t lost any of the clothing yet.

Elsie’s favorite part of Christmas was looking at the Christmas tree. She mostly got clothing, but she did also get some spoons from Siesa. Elsie’s Christmas gift to us was that she slept 9 hours Christmas night.

Christmas was wonderful! Having kids makes Christmas so much fun.


Anne said...

I love the Christmas recap and Siesa's gift of sleep is my favorite of them all. Your kids are so cute and I can't believe how big Jensen is getting- he's handsome as ever!

Adamson Family said...

Jensen is so funny. I love all the little stories. I'm impressed with the Thumbsucking post, really it is humbling we ask a lot of our kids and they can deliever. You're a great Mom.