Monday, April 19, 2010

not a fan

Since Elsie is six months old, we decided to start introducing some solid foods. She does not like to eat at all. We have tried to feed her food 10 or so times now and she has yet swallowed anything. She will hold the food on her tongue with her mouth open and squawk at me and then spit it out. If she does actually taste it she does a complete whole body shutter. After 2 or 3 bites she will not let me give her any more and hollers at me. OK so maybe she just doesn’t like vegetables, we tried to give her fruit just to see if something sweet she would at least swallow but she hated it just the same.

1 comment:

Cecily said...

That is exactly what Friedrich would do and the reason why I nursed exclusively until he was old enough to eat table foods (not much). He is my pickiest eater. Today for dinner he ate yellow cheese and bread. He doesn't drink milk. He doesn't eat vegetables (unless I sneak them into his bread). Good luck!