Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy 3 years Jensen

Jensen is now 35 ½ inches long and weights 26 lbs. Yes, I have petite children, he is in the 10th percentile but good things often come in small packages.

He has changed so much in the last year. The most exciting thing is that Jensen is potty trained. Yeah! Jensen’s imagination has exploded; he has imaginary friends that are constantly playing with us. He loves to play with cars and trucks. He loves to go out side and build roads with his bulldozer, cement trucks, etc. When we drive anywhere he is always pointing out different big trucks. He also loves to watch the garbage truck come. His new favorite game is to play garbage man. He walks all over and picks up everything he can find and throws it in a pile at the bottom of the stairs. (I only wish it was as fun to put it all away). He loves to help me and when ever I ask him to help with something he says “I would be happy to”. Jensen still loves music. He can sing so many different songs and loves to turn the music on loud and “dance crazy”. He's a joy! We love you!

The scrunch face and
Showing me how old he is


Becky J. said...

Happy Birthday you big 3 year old Jensen! Hope it was so much fun! We love you!

Valeri Crockett said...

wow! He weighs as much as Lincoln and he is only 16 months old. Jensen is a cutie!