Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fourth of July Fun

Tina, Clint and Xana came to visit for the 4th of July. We wanted to go to Stone Mountain for there big fireworks extravaganza. We heard that it is packed on the 4th but they do the fireworks show three nights in a row to accommodate the crowds, so we decided to go on the 3rd. We are sure glad we went then. There were so many people there and we heard that on the 4th they closed the gates to the park at 5:00 pm and turned people away. It was a good fireworks show. Before the show we barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs and just had a good time seeing the sights of Stone Mountain. The kids did pretty well for being out so late. Xana was awed by the whole fireworks show. Jensen liked part of it, but covered his ears and squinted through half of it. And Siesa slept through the finally. On the 4th we hung out hear and did some of our own very small fireworks which the kids likes. The sparklers weren’t a very big hit, but they sure loved the pops. The kids would stand there watching the fireworks as they were being lit, but as soon as they started to go off, they would turn around and run away screaming.


Becky J. said...

Looks/sounds like that was so fun! And I love the fudgesicles pictures, too! Priceless!

Valeri Crockett said...

I love that they would turn and run away screaming. How fun!

Adamson Family said...

Fun. I like the collage of pictures. Digtal scrapbooking. I still haven't figured it out. Still plan to. I told Travis that I wanted to go to Stone Mountain for the 4th of July. We didn't make it. lol
Love the piano. I love great deals too.