Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Fun

We had a wonderful Chritmas. Jensen was very excited about getting presents and Siesa of course loved all the wraping paper the best. Jensen got a drum, rain boots(now hopefully he won't always have wet shoes, what little kid can't help jumping into puddles?)books, cars and clothes. Siesa got a push/ride toy, clothes, a doll (the doll was more for Jensen's sake, he has been saying for weeks that Santa was going to bring her one, he was quite happy when she did) and a stacking musical toy. Derek and I got sheet rock for Christmas. We have been doing some remodeling while Derek has some time off work. We also got an Ikea gift card, books, and board games from family.

It took us 4 1/2 hours to open all our gifts. It took so long because every gift we opened Jensen wanted to play with.

Siesa loves her push toy. This is of her Christmas morning. As of today she still can't steer very well but is learning.

1 comment:

Becky J. said...

Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! We have that exact same push toy for Sophie, same colors and everything. We think that's what helped Sophie get confident with her walking so quickly. Siesa's way cute playing with it.