Monday, December 10, 2007

Masquerade Ball

Friday night we went to Derek’s work party. It was crazy fun. It was a semi-formal Masquerade ball so we got all dressed up and I made masks for us to wear. They were having a competition for the most creative, mysterious and elaborate masks. I won first prize for the most creative. I won a two hundred dollar American express gift card. Too cool! We felt like we were living the high life. It was at a huge hotel and there were probably a couple thousand people there. We even got to valet park our car for free. There was lots of yummy food and a big buffet. For the entertainment there was dancing, casino room, and lots of drunk people. We were given some fake money for the casino room where we played a little black jack. I quickly lost all of my money; Derek did a little better than I did. We had a great time but were out way too late
It is kind of hard to tell but I decorated our masks mostly with beans so now Derek is officially a bean counter.


Anne said...

The costumes are beautiful! You have such a great talent. Sounds like a fun night too- hope you have fun spending the gift card too! :)

Andy and Kimi said...

So fancy!! I'm sad we won't get to see your cute family at Christmas.. you will be missed at the annual get together/reminiscing about how cool they were in highschool. Love you guys...hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Jaime Lynne said...

The mask with the beans... hilarious! Great job and looks like you had a wonderful time. Merry Christmas.

Nycole said...

Sidsie It'll be great to keep in touch, I want to add your blog to our list too, if that's okay. I love your blog, it's way cute.

Marielle said...


I am a friend of Derek's from high school and found your blog through Kimi.

What a cute family you have. I love all the pictures on your blog.

I also love your scrapbook pages. I started digital scrapbooking this summer and am hooked. I saw your pages and they are really cute. I love your layouts. Very creative. Where do you have your pages printed? I have printed some at Costco but they don't always come out right. What kind of paper you use? You can email me at

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Tell Derek I said hello.


Erin said...

I am so jealous. I need an excuse to get all dressed up and go dancing! Hope you guys had a great Christmas!