Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thankful for a whim

Siesa is potty trained! Two weeks ago Siesa was up stairs in the bath room with a poopy diaper on and yelled “come wipe my bum, bum daddy”. We started laughing and I thought maybe we should potty train her. So Monday morning I put her in underwear and told her that she was a big girl and if she had to go to the bathroom to tell me. The part that sealed the deal was if she went on the potty she could have a jelly bean. She had 2 accidents that morning but she learned quickly and we have had almost no accidents the last two weeks and the only ones we have had have been here. The first few times going out I was a little nervous having her in underwear but from the first day she has told me when she needs to go. She even told her nursery leaders on Sunday Yea! She now will go all by her self and the biggest problem is that now she has an excuse to run around half dressed. She has also become quite possessive of the toilet and if anyone else needs to go she will run up stairs yelling “me first” even if she just went which can be a little frustrating for Jensen. He said today that he was not going to tell anyone when he had to go to the bathroom so that Siesa couldn’t beat him. I have been shocked about how well she did and kept asking myself “is it really going to be this easy”. I hope all my children potty train as easy as her.
The best part is that after 4 years and 2 months of changing diapers I get a 4 month break!


Jaime Lynne said...

Enjoy the break from diapers. I am just beginning my diaper journey and already I am looking forward to its end. :)

Tarrah said...

Yeah Sesia!!! Wow, her hair is getting more curly. Or maybe it's just this photo.

Andy and Kimi said...

Oh I am so jealous!!