Monday, June 15, 2009

Firefighter Jensen

Jensen loves anything and everything about firefighters. There is always a fire some where and he must save the day. This video is of him talking about being a firefighter.

This is only part of how long he talked. He sat and told me about being a firefighter for 30 minutes or so. He also had to tell me about the truck, his tools, fire safety, etc, etc. Jensen really likes to talk, to people he knows and likes. Some people at Church still wonder if he can talk and I just laugh because sometimes I can’t get him to be quiet.


Richins Family said...

Cute boy! I love his outfit!

Becky J. said...

This is so great! He seriously sounds like a professional giving a tour at the fire department or something. I love all the big vocabulary: although, which, etc... What a cute kid!

Joseph Jensen said...

Highly entertaining! My favorite line was "this can give you a false sense of security"- I felt like I was getting a tour of a fire department

Kathryn said...

I can totally relate. Logan paced and talked to me for an hour while I was weeding one day and then at the end he asked, "Mom, why are you being so quiet?"