Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Poor Kids

Siesa fell while running on the driveway the other day. Between Jensen’s cast and Siesa’s face no one is going to want to come and play with us anytime soon. Jensen did get a shorter cast this week. Yeah. 3 more weeks and then we can be freed.


Richins Family said...

Hey, at least it makes good memories. They are still both darling!

Valeri Crockett said...

Funny post Sidsie! If I can get Lincoln to stop jumping off of thing's we might not go through so many bandaids. . .

I love all your posts!! When are you going to move back to Utah?!



Becky Slivka said...

Isaac jumps on the couch all day every day, and now I'm realizing I should be a little more nervous. Boys are such boys. I am impressed you can wait on the gender of your kids, I like having the prep time. I can't wait to see what the tie breaker is, but most important the baby is healthy so congrats!