Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Monday night was one dollar night at a local skating rink so we decided it would be a good FHE activity. We had a great time. Jensen was so excited to skate but didn’t really like actually skating on the rink but rather enjoyed skating on the carpet. Derek and I have never been skating together so it had been a while since we have gone so we were a little rusty but our kids were impressed by our speed.
Siesa enjoyed it if we held her hand but even she was a little intimated by the whole thing.

I love this picture of Jensen, sheer joy.

Elsie was busy watching all the happenings, the loud music, lights and people whizzing by her kept her very occupied.
Jensen has been practicing skating in our kitchen with socks on and can't wait until we can go again.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Oh how we missing seeing that face of Jensen's! You still have the cutest kids, but like you really need the reminder. :)